Create Your Own Cosmetic Brand

PT. Mash Moshem Indonesia (MMI) has been offering OEM services globally for our clients’ own brands and formulas since 2011. MMI prides itself in providing a one-stop solution, supporting clients through a vast range of services from product formulation to marketing, giving us an edge over our competitors.

We have a branch office in Singapore, so that we can more easily provide services in Singapore and other countries. We will prepare all your cosmetic production needs, from product design, raw materials, packaging, legality of your cosmetic products and reliable marketing team in the cosmetics field.

We can help you to make products such as skin care, body care, fragrance, hair treatment, decorative and other treatments. The dedication of our highly trained staff allows us to operate under high standards, ensuring compliance with industry standards at every level (CPKB, BPOM, HSA, HALAL)

Why Choose Us?

PT. Mashmoshem Indonesia

Proven Track Record

Having been in the skincare and cosmetic business since 2011, PT. Mash Moshem boasts a proven track record of being an OEM company that has a wealth of experience in delivering high quality products.

legalitas kosmetik

Certifications & Awards

PT. Mash Moshem Indonesia has been certified grade A by BPOM RI and CPKB standard. We also won the Innovative Product of the year award in 2018.


One Stop Service

On top of OEM of products, we also offer all necessary licenses and documentations required by customers, Halal certification, product design, packaging and other value added services.


After Sales Service

Being our customer also means being part of a larger ecosystem where you can reach out to thousands of resellers who are ready to market your products.

Our Certificate

CPKB Certificate

CPKB is a certificate on how to make good cosmetics. The purpose of holding CPKB certification is so that skincare and cosmetics producers can produce products that meet certain quality levels consistently. The application of CPKB is an investment for producers, which will provide benefits for the certificate holder.

Oem Cosmetic Service

BPOM Certificate

The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority or Indonesian FDA (Indonesian: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) or Badan POM is a government agency of Indonesia, BPOM is responsible for protecting public health through the control and supervision of prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, food safety, traditional medicine and cosmetics. Task and purposes of this agency are similar to USFDA.

Makeup business

Health Sciences Authority (HSA)

HSA is a multi-disciplinary agency. It applies medical, pharmaceutical and scientific expertise to protect and advance public health and safety. It represents the national expertise in forensic medicine, forensic science and analytical chemistry testing capabilities. These support other regulatory and compliance agencies in the administration of justice and in safeguarding public health.

Halal Certificate From MUI

MUI Halal certificate is a written fatwa / official statement from Indonesia Ulama Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/MUI) which stated that the products are in accordance with the Islamic Syariat. MUI Halal Certificate is a requirement for obtaining halal labeling on the packaging of the product from government authorities

We are the best OEM cosmetics providers for you

More than 97% of our clients were satisfied with our services

Customer satisfaction is our priority and we are committed to achieve and deliver on this goal.

Contact Us

Cosmetic Product

With Your Dream
Formulation & Concept

  • Personal Care
  • Spa Product
  • Fragrance
  • Men’s Corner
  • Baby Product
We are ready to meet all your needs for your OEM products. From product formulation to advertising, we will support you every step of the way.

8 Advantages of using our OEM services


Product Concept

We will help you strategize on the type of beauty products best suited for you, custom-made to showcase your own personal touch.


Product Formulation

Consult with our in-house team of experts on your desired cosmetic formulation.


Product Sample

We will provide a sample for you based on your desired formulation and concept.


Legality Assurance

We provide thorough legal assurances such as BPOM, HKI and HALAL.


Product Design

We have one of the best design teams tasked with providing you with top-notch designs for your products.


Production process

You are guaranteed first-class manufacturing as our production process has been certified with CPKB-BPOM.


Digital Marketing

We are ready to market your product through e-commerce, social media or conventional forms of marketing.


Advertising Media

We produce high-quality advertising materials, such as photos and videos, which can be used to market your products. We even provide gifts and souvenirs for your customers.

You are one step away from getting all the services and support that we offer.

Our timeline below shows how you can get your product ready to be marketed within just a month.


Step 1


Discuss with us your idea of beauty product and we will advise which and what beauty product that suit your needs.

Step 2

(2 weeks)

A sample product will be delivered to you, following which feedback will be collected.

Step 3

(1 month)

A sample product will be delivered to you, following which feedback will be collected.

Final Step

Your product is ready to be marketed. If you require assistance in advertising, we are able to provide marketing materials such as photos, media kits or even value added products such as free gifts or souvenirs for your customers.


PT. Mashmoshem Indonesia

Company History

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produk jasa maklon kosmetik




produk jasa maklon kosmetik

Product Quality

We are using high grade ingredients for every product we produce.


Affordable pricing

Our competitive price will suit small, medium, and multi national company

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Legality Assurance

We make sure every product we produce will have legality such as BPOM, HKI, and HALAL.